Livin' on the beach under the palm trees...

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Not Bad.
Field of Dreams Golf Club, Monteon, Nayarit, Mexico

There's a saying here in Lo De Marcos.
"Love Lo De Marcos but don't tell anybody!"

This place is truly a magical hideaway. There's great small town nearby.
We are right on the water. Everything is incredibly cheap.
We have a great little campsite. The weather is perfect.
The beach is beautiful and rarely crowded. In fact, most of time it's very sparse.
Great Boogie Boarding most of the time.
Great people. Musicians to put on shows and play at "Happy Hours".
Nice produce and baked goods delivered right to your door.
Great little restaurants on the beach and in town.
Puerto Vallarta, Sayulita, Rincon de Guaybitos are nearby
for shopping(Costco, WalMart), crowds, nightlife, etc.
Riding the bus is easy.
There's a inexpensive golf course nearby.
People don't give a dang if your dog if off leash.
Pacifico Beer is 15 pesos a bottle. ($1.20)

                                                                Please don't tell anybody...

1 comment:

  1. "Beehive" (Mescal) is only 20 pesos a liter. Mix it with some fresh watermelon/lime/orange and I call it a Lo-hito!!

    Yes, Lo has a lot of charm. Es hermoso!

    But try the local tamales from Senora Annie and home-made panela (Don Chui) and the taco joint. Runs circles around Clarita. And much cheapa. . .
